from a single source.

Gründung von Radio Gelb-Schwarz
Gründung der openmind medien gmbh mit 3 Mitarbeiter*innen
Erste temporäre Newsroom-Redaktion
Umbennung in Newsroom Communication GmbH bei mittlerweile 5 Mitarbeiter*innen
Bezug des ersten eigenen Büros im Nebenraum eines Coiffeursalons im Berner Breitenrainquartier und Wachstum auf 6 MitarbeiterInnen
Gründung der Newsroom Communication AG und Bezug grösserer Büroräumlichkeiten im Berner Elfenauquartier mit mittlerweile 9 Mitarbeitenden
Erstes Projekt im Ausland
Geburt des eigenen SaaS Produkts “Storyshaker” - 10 Mitarbeiter*innen
Kundenportfolio wächst auf über 100 Kunden
Das mittlerweile 13-köpfige Team bezieht die jetzigen Büros am Eigerplatz in Bern
Anzahl Mitarbeitende steigt auf 17
Aufnahme Leading Swiss Agencies
We love. Communication. Coffee. Film. Team spirit. Bern. Openness. Individuality. We work. Fast. Exactly. Everywhere. Reliable. We are. Agile. Innovative. Flexible. Creative.
Since our foundation, our employees have been given four weeks leave after becoming father.
Beside after-work beers with Uschi and Ruedi around the corner we leave home at the Eigerplatz to hold our company retreat for a few days every year. In different workshop we roll out topics, departments or projects
April 28, 2018 is a holy day for us and has been a company holiday ever since.
A motivating feedback culture is part of our company philosophy. We maintain an honest relationship with each other and openly express wishes and criticism.
If you’re working with your private laptop, we cover 2/3 of the purchase price. If you also use your smartphone for business purposes, we will cover the costs of the device. Otherwise we will provide you with a business subscription.
We travel by public transport. Therefore, we provide you with a Half-fare travelcard or participate in your general supscription.
This is a great idea! We will be happy to participate in your further education with individual contributions.
Yes, we often work on weekends or in the evening. Therefore, our working hours and locations are flexible. If you prefer to stay in bed on Monday morning with breakfast and Netflix and like going to the museum on a Tuesday, you might meet us there (at the museum). Furthermore, everyone can work remotely. As an agency for digital communication, we’ll come up with something to keep in touch.
After a hard year of work, we invite you to a noisy and extravagant celebration during Christmas time. Of course your partner is invited to the party, because he or she also deserves a big thank you.
Even if there is no job advertised – we are always looking for new communication talents. Are you ambitious, do you love change, and do you enjoy sitting somewhere else than just at your office desk? Are you a strong personality and an exceptional talent that should not slip through our fingers? Text us!
Apart from that, we are always looking for uncomplicated, flexible and technically minded freelancers. Do you feel addressed? Get in touch!